
Do not expose your family and neighbourhood to the hazards of asbestos. When beginning a
renovation or demolition project find out if the drywall in your home contains asbestos.

Drywall and Asbestos

If you have new gypsum date-stamped 1990 or newer that has never been installed (no tape, paint or mud; sometimes called "cut offs"), bring it to Salt Spring Garbage and Recycling for recycling. We will need to see a date stamp and verify it is new. If it does not look new and does not have a date stamp you will need to get it tested.

If you have used (pre hung with paint, mud, tape or texture) or pre 1990 drywall you must submit an asbestos report showing no asbestos detected. We must have the report on file before you off load the drywall.

Each load not matter what the date, must be accompanied by a signed Declaration and Acknowledgement Form, available below.

Need help or have questions?

Transfer Station Hours

Monday - Friday
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Sunday & Holidays


Drywall installed pre-1990 may have asbestos.

Until about 1990, the tape and joint compound, or ‘mud’, used to seal the seams and fill gaps between drywall boards sometimes contained asbestos. Asbestos-containing material is safe if left intact. When it is disturbed or damaged, asbestos fibres are released in the air. When inhaled this may lead to asbestos-related diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma, which develop many years after the person has been exposed.